여행사진 썸네일형 리스트형 Baguio Essay #1 - My Inspiration In Life The nails grew up. My eyes were turned to the nail cutter. The nails are going to be cut again someday. As time goes by, things kept on changing. Time may changed and I have changed from what I used to. Many people have gone past me. I was able to hold some occasionally but most of them did not last. A few days ago, I realized that I could not last also. After that, I've been alone. Somebody cam.. 더보기 Baguio Essay #2 - Dear you whom I am supposed to meet... "The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt from the heart." - Helen Keller - Dear, my darling~ Darling, I'm a man who is living in 2006. I'm 24 years old. People say that I am very tall, and they say that I am not handsome well. In fact, they tell me I'm ugly. During my elementary-school-ages, I recognized that my blood type was 'O'. Ye.. 더보기 High Court Of Punjab and Haryana 2008. India 르꼬르뷔제의 향기를 느끼다. Chandigarh 더보기 순천만 Everyday may not be good. But, there's something good in every day. 순천만 July. 2014 더보기 Particle 거제도 September, 2013 더보기 바람이 불어오는 곳. August, 2012 우음도. 더보기 Neck Chand Rock Garden #2 아직 마무리 하지 못한 2008 인도여행기.... Chandigarh, India Feb, 2008 더보기 Neck Chand Rock Garden #1 아직 마무리 하지 못한 2008 인도여행기.... Chandigarh, India Feb, 2008 더보기 2008 OJT 일기 중... 2008 8월 바레인. 저녁 9시 반. 바레인 공항의 체크아웃 장소에 엄청난 인파가 몰렸다. 생소한 얼굴을 한 사람들이 구사하는 생소한 언어.... 엄청난 소음과 봇다리 시장같은 공항 분위기... 나도 모르게 입가에 냉소를 머금고, 어깨에 힘이 들어갔다. '역시 중동은 아직 후진국이구나...' 신기한 마음에 적어도 한마디 정도는 알아 들을 수 있지 않을까? 라는 기대감에 귀를 기울여보지만, 내 귀를 인지시키는건, 간간히 들려오는 영어 대화뿐... .................... 사우디 국경을 넘으려면, 공항에서 차를 타고 2시간 반을 달려야 한다. 예정된 차가 도착하지 않아, 냉방이 빵빵한 공항안에서 가볍게 이야기를 나누며 장시간의 비행에 치친 몸과 마음을 달래다가 호기심에 공항밖을 나섰다... ".. 더보기 These are the days of our lives. Sometimes I get to feelin' I was back in the old days - long ago When we were kids when we were young Thing seemed so perfect - you know The days were endless we were crazy we were young The sun was always shinin' - we just lived for fun Sometimes it seems like lately - I just don't know The rest of my life's been just a show Those were the days of our lives The bad things in life were so few Th.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 7 다음